'25 SUMMER Chess Camp (9am-1pm in Palo Alto, 8/11-8/15)
Welcome back to the BAC In-Person Chess Camps!
Space is very limited! Register Soon!
>>> Add the PM Camp this week for a discounted Full-Day experience <<<
Palo Alto: Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto (map)
505 East Charleston Road, Palo Alto, CA 94306
Location Perks: Increased Outdoor Time, Higher Enrollment / More Space,
Larger breaks spent at famous Magical Bridges Playground and Mitchell Park.
Regular Chess Camp:
We welcome any child of 5 years or older.
Prior chess knowledge is NOT required to attend a BAC camp.
In-Person camps are for players Level 1 - 4.5, (up to 1100 USCF or u1400 online).
Bay Area Chess is CDC compliant. Masks are optional at this time.
Safe-Practice: Handwashing breaks, common-sense distancing and routine Sanitation of Camp Materials.
Lunches are spent Outdoors (at the playground / park)
Morning Camps from 9AM to 1PM / Afternoon Camps from 1PM to 5PM (purchased separately to make Full-Day Camps)
Afternoon blocks are not always available at every location.
Early drop-off (8:30-9am) or Late Pickup (5:00 - 5:30pm) available when registering.
No Late-Pickup Option for the Morning Camp!
Sample Camp Schedule
Morning Schedule: 9am - 1pm (afternoons follow a similar template)
*8:30 - 9am : Early-Drop options available at Registration.
9:00 - 9:30 : Arrival + Casual Free-play Games, Warm-ups.
9:30 - 10:25 : Group Instruction/Demonstrations (based on observed skill levels).
10:25 - 10:35 : Recess / Snacks (see snack options / disclaimer below).
10:35 - 11:40 : Games, Organized Pairings, Puzzles, Analysis at Coach discretion.
11:40 - 12:10 : Group Instruction/Demonstrations.
12:10 - 12:40 : Lunch Break / Outside time. Please pack a child's lunch.
(snacks will be provided to children without one).
12:40 - 1:00 : Free-Play Puzzles and Gaming until Pick-up / merge into PM arrivals.
Please note: there is a NO NUTS policy and NO FOOD Sharing policy in all BAC Camps.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
Please inform us immediately of any known allergies your child may have.
The Camp snacks options may include:
Annie's Organic Fruit Snacks, Kellogg's Organic Fruit Snacks, Kirkland Apple-Sauce, Doritos Brand Basic Chip Variety Pack, Doritos Brand Bold Chip Variety Pack, Individual Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats, Keebler Cookie/Cracker Variety Pack, Cheeze-Its cracker snacks, Nature-Bakery Fig Bars, Kirkland Soft+Chewy Granola Bars, Fruit by the Foot Roll-Ups, Nature-Valley Honey+Oats Granola Bars, Velvita Cinnamon Breakfast Biscuits, All-Natural Otter-Pops (Apple-Juice popsicles), Individual Pringles Variety Pack, Capri Sun Juice Variety Pack, Kirkland bottled Water
Questions? Please email to enrich@bayareachess.com