




A Note from the Instructor, Senior Coach Wolfgang Behm: 
  "You’re in a real game facing a tough opponent. The position is complicated with so many possibilities. What move should you make? You need a simple and clear method for finding an advantage! BAC Team training will help you find better and more accurate moves faster than ever! The Team is designed for lower to mid-rated scholastic players who are serious about chess improvement and training for tournaments. We will focus on building a blueprint for success via specific thinking habits, principles, and decision-making skills. The Team will include the study of master-level games, specific openings, as well as middlegame and endgame positions crucial at this level. Students are expected to submit personal games so our titled players (GMs, IMs, etc.) and coaches can give in-class analysis. Outside of class, students are expected to practice homework when assigned, study on their own with recommended chess books, online tactics trainers, and to play online and attend in-person tournaments regularly."

Meeting Time and Dates:
  Saturdays: 12:00 - 2:00pm

Required Skill Level: 500-1250 USCF Rated, Ages 6 to 17.

Dates are staggered intentionally to allow for Players to Join us for Rated Championships on weekends!  NOTE: Team Classes are Only for USCF RATED Players.

  Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto (map)
  505 E Charleston Rd, Palo Alto

2 Hour Sessions, hosted on the following dates: 1/27, 2/10, 2/24, 3/26, 3/30.
The CalChess State Championships are on the weekends of 3/9 and 3/23 - BAC Tournament Team members are of course going to participate in SuperStates!

Required Skill Level:
  For 500-1250 USCF Rated, Ages 6 to 17.  (Up to 1450 is okay). We are looking for Active Tournament Players, Once event per month minimum. If your child is unrated, or not yet rated 500, then please engage in more rated tournaments before joining this class, as they are hosted just about every weekend in the Bay Area: BAC Tournament Site and Menu.  We will not be making exceptions on the Rating requirements this season.

What if my Child is not yet Rated?
  We would recommend joining more USCF Events to update the Rating ASAP. If you feel that you need an assessment, the Palo Alto CLUB (group lessons and pairings) meets on Saturdays at the same location, for a drop-in fee, where you can speak directly with Coach Wolfgang. If you cannot commit to joining any tournaments, then the Tournament Team is not right for you and we recommend the weekly Palo Alto Chess Club, or one of the other locations: (see all locations)

Are there Make-ups or Pro-Rates?
 Teams do not offer pro-rates, Trials or Drop-ins as it is important that the coaches have a static roster for all 5 sessions. Missed classes are not refunded, though a Family may use the drop-in Palo Alto Club (link above) as a way to make-up a single 2-hour session if needed (not a Team meeting, but is still 2 hours of Chess in the same location on Saturdays). We also recommend this club during the Team off-dates, for supplemental learning and practice.

 Coach Wolfgang Behm will lead the Team. A guest instructor may rotate as the second instructor in the Team meetings!  We may be adding Coaching Legend Frisco Del Rosario if we can get enough enrollment to warrant two full-time instructors.

Note: Rated Tournaments are registered through our TOURNAMENT Website, below. The two sites use different log-in credentials.

     https://enrichment.bayareachess.com is the Enrichment Site : 
     All registration for Camps / Classes / Clubs / Chesskid / PracticeEvents / Teams use the Enrichment website. 
     (Help email: enrich@bayareachess.com)

     https://www.bayareachess.com  is the Tournament Site : 
     All USCF-Rated Events (including State Championship) use the Tournament website.
     (Help email: events@bayareachess.com)


Free BAC Shirts for Team members and their Parents!

Save the Date for the March 9-10, March 23-24 and April 27-28 for the CALCHESS STATE CHAMPIONSHIP!

trophies at States (1 day)


Day(s) of Week
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Lead Coach
Registration Fee
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