Welcome to Bay Area Chess Enrichment!
Please use the Menu to Navigate and browse our Camps, Classes and Clubs!
Trending Now...
HOT: After-School Programs are now taking Registration for 2024-2025!
HOT: In-Person Chess CLUBS! No Registration necessary, all levels.

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Warm Welcome to Bay Area Chess, 2024-2025. BAC will be hosting both in-person and Online Class options!
Our Mission: To introduce children of all ages to everything that Chess has to offer, socially and academically, in the Bay Area and Beyond!
Please use the Menu to navigate our site, or click above for more help.
Contact Us
- https://www.bayareachess.com
All USCF-Rated Events use the Tournament website: (email: events@bayareachess.com)
- https://enrichment.
All Camps / Classes / Clubs / Chesskid.com / Practice Events / Teams use the Enrichment website: (email: enrich@bayareachess.
*Note that the two sites use different login credentials, so you will have to make a new account if you are a first-time visitor (we suggest making account credentials the same for both sites).
Apologies for this hassle as we work to optimize user-experience.