Skill Levels

"There is no elevator to success. You will have to take the stairs."


     1 =  Absolute Beginners: For BRAND NEW players only; still learning the pieces and unable to checkmate. 
   Topics can include: Piece names/movement, starting position, turn-sequence, piece values, special rules, general board competencies and checks/checkmates. Combine with the first 10 video lessons on ChessKid for optimal development and support! 
   The average new player, age 5+, that completes a Level 1 Course, at least 20+ games, and has watched the first ~20 Chesskid Animated lessons should be ready to move on to Level 2 courses.

     2 =  Beginner~0-400 Rating USCF (or 400-999 Rating on Chesskid.com).
The student already knows the basic rules of chess and can complete a game without assistance.
Chesskid Estimation: The player should have 10+ games logged weekly (including Tournament experience) and attempt 3-5 puzzles per day in the Puzzle section. When their 'live-chess' and puzzle rating reaches 970+, and the Chesskid lesson level is Queen-1 or higher, a student is generally ready to move up to level 3.
    Topics can include: Checkmating patterns, opening principles, the art of drawing, introduction to notation, early tactics and traps, the strategy of positional play and beginner end-game theories/conditions.

     3 =  Intermediate: ~350-850 Rating USCF (or 1000-1299 Rating on Chesskid.com), Student has had between 2-5 semesters of Chess, some tournament experience (online or live) and is ready for harder concepts.

     4 = Advanced I: ~850-1250 Rating USCF (or 1300-1599 Rating on Chesskid.com), Student is at Tournament Level, is highly enthused about chess and can compete in the ranges mentioned above.  

     5 = Advanced II: ~1200-1500 Rating USCF (or 1600+ Rating on various Online Chess platforms).


Higher Rated players should look into the Weekend A-Team. (Level 6, adults welcome there, too)

chess diagram as animated GIF file