E-Learning for the Win:
BayAreaChess & Chess University Launch IM-Led Online Classes
BayAreaChess, one of the largest regional providers of high-quality chess instruction and coaching in the United States, is going online to reach a global audience in the convenience of their own home. Starting December 2017, BayAreaChess and Chess University are now offering weekly online classes aimed at players of all ages and abilities starting at the low monthly cost of $49.
Open to existing BayAreaChess students as well as players from anywhere in the world, the classes at https://bac. chessuniversity.com will be available at all levels, personalized instruction (students may have their games analyzed), and top-notch coaches. Each class is also recorded, so students can review and watch again at their own pace. With additional homework exercises provided for each class, students will be engaged and encouraged to reach their full chess potential.
BayAreaChess is the largest provider of scholastic chess classes in Northern California, with programs in more than 100 schools reaching thousands of students. It also runs weekend clubs for competitive USCF players, and its large coaching staff includes 5 GMs, 2 IMs, and other masters and FIDE-titled players. BayAreaChess is also the largest US Chess Federation tournament affiliate west of Texas for the last nine years (2008-onward) by number of players.
The chief instructor for our online classes is BAC Senior Coach and BAC Team Coordinator, IM Kostya Kavutskiy (above). Please click on the image below to get a preview of one of Kostya's introductory lesson.
For December 2017, we’ll be offering two sections:
Tournament Players – For players who have played an official USCF tournament, and are rated under 800
Intermediate – For players rated between 800-1200 (plus/minus 50 points ok)
To see the list of available courses, visit https://bac. chessuniversity.com and create a free account by clicking ‘Register’. Then you’ll be able to sign up for the appropriate course.
In January 2018, two additional courses are planned:
Enrichment – For students who have not yet played any official USCF tournaments.
Professionals – For adults and higher rated kids between 1000 to 1800 USCF-rated, who would like to improve their game and get a regular chess class.